Colostomy Irrigation

Colostomy Irrigation

Irrigation is a way to manage your colostomy output. This procedure allows you to have a sense of freedom and control. Irrigation assists the bowel to be emptied once a day, change appliance daily and have the opportunity, if you prefer, to wear a stoma cap throughout the day. 

Colostomy irrigation is not suitable for all ostomates. If you are currently undergoing chemotherapy or radiation at this time, colostomy irrigation would be a contraindication. It is important to be evaluated by an experienced provider before starting irrigations to determine if you are eligible.

If you are interested in being taught how to perform this procedure:

Please be prepared to provide your operative/surgical report. We may need to discuss your care with your surgeon to safely determine your eligibility.

How can we help?

Please send a message through the form below.

If you have a medical emergency please call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room.

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